I have been a day trader since 1988 on TradePlus. The problem is the fees. I have 3 trading accounts and 4 investment banks. You really need a lot of capital to make money and lower your risk to get in an out of the market quickly. I get 100 free trades a month which makes it much easier to sell off at the end of the day and start again the next , and buy back in the premarket if there is positive news and volume . And the T3 rule kills you, not being over to turn over your capital quickly. I tipically I buy 1000 shares and sell off once the stock moves between .5 and .25 cents. I buy stock between 30$ and 100$ . I like companies that are in industries that have high barriers to entery and a 2.5 dividend minamum. I have made enough money to retire in 2010 at age 40.